
Welcome to Dave’s Antique Radio & TV Restorations, where radio restorations start at just $49.99*. I restore Antique Radios, Antique Automotive Radios, Antique TVs, and Antique Musical Instrument Amplifiers (guitar amps). Generally speaking, I think of antique electronics as containing electron tubes, also known as valves. An antique type collectable is also defined as being over 25 years old. So an antique radio can contain transistors, which started to appear as early as 1954. Except for the picture tube, many tvs were fully transistorized by the early 1970s. Many people prefer the sound of tubes to transistors in an amplifier. They give a richer warmer sound. So tubes are still being used today in guitar and high end audio amplifiers.
* plus other parts, sales tax (NY State Residents) and return shipping

My Newest Website

Please visit my newest Website: davesantiqueradio.com.


Welcome to Dave’s Antique Radio & TV Restorations.
Antique Electronic Radio Restorations page.
Antique Clarion Cathedral Radio

Originally I had a separate page for each type of Antique Radio and there ended up being a lot of repetition. All antique electronics has the same sorts of components.

However, some electronic radio restorations have become rather routine that I can restore in quantity. These are what I call “specials” because they can be priced less than my regular flat-rate prices.

There are indoor radios that operate on house current, or batteries, car radios, and sometimes radios that were called “Farm” radios, which were used in a barn and operated by large storage batteries, at 30 volts DC, as I recall. The farm had a generator. I don’t see these very much.

Continue reading “Radios”


My Newest Website

My newest website is davesantiqueradio.com. One website I had was over 20 years old. The web space was a very tiny 20 Megabytes and the isp I was using, decided not to offer that service anymore after March 1, 2022. So if anyone is still using that page (dreamscape domain name) and eMail (the dreamscape …


Some time ago I eliminated a posted online phone number due to excessive spam calls. eMail, messaging through Facebook and regular mail has worked fine.

Dave’s Antique Radio & TV Restorations
P. O. Box 2265
Liverpool, NY 13089-2265

My eMail and Facebook link is at the bottom of every page on this site.